Thursday, April 8, 2010

I would like to tell you about an amazing opportunity we have to help people who are living in poverty and desperately need our assistance. While I am sure you are already actively involved in helping those in need around you, I know that many of us would do more to help others if we only knew how. HELP International (, a non-profit organization, strives to eliminate poverty in third world countries by sending motivated, enthusiastic volunteers to teach in-country community members self-sustainable skills that can be passed on to others. Currently HELP is working to help impoverished communities in six locations around the world—Belize, El Salvador, Fiji, India, Thailand, and Uganda.

This summer HELP International is sending volunteers to Belize, a small country in Central America, for the very first time. Nearly one third of the people in Belize live in poverty. As a volunteer in Belize, I will have the opportunity to develop innovative and sustainable humanitarian projects that will empower Belizeans to fight poverty and win. One of the first projects I will be involved with is teaching English. Knowing English is an invaluable tool in climbing out of poverty, for people who know English find jobs more easily and receive higher pay at those jobs. Other projects I will be a part of in Belize include teaching community members how to build adobe stoves and square foot gardens; installing septic tank systems; raising public health awareness (which includes educating community members in hygiene, transferrable diseases, and nutrition); serving in orphanages; building libraries, homes for impoverished families, and schools; teaching basic business skills to micro entrepreneurs; creating support groups for at-risk youth; organizing sports teams for troubled teens; working in health clinics and hospitals; and supporting community development. All of these projects will be done collaboratively with current, locally operated NGOs working in Belize. All projects taken on by HELP require commitment from the community, thereby not only securing more sustainable projects, but also increasing the effectiveness of what work we are able to accomplish while we are in the country.

Non-profit organizations like HELP International rely heavily on volunteer program fees and fundraising. As a volunteer for Belize, I have the opportunity to raise funds that will go directly toward these humanitarian projects. My goal is to raise $3,000.00 by May 1, 2010.

While money is tight for everyone, the amount of good that can be done for the people of Belize increases with every dollar donated. I invite you to join me and HELP International in serving the people of Belize by donating $15, $20, $35, $50, $100, $250, $500 or whatever you can*. Checks should be made payable to HELP International with “Melissa Richardson, Belize” in the memo line. Donations can be mailed directly to HELP International with the provided pre-stamped return envelope or through PayPal online at with “Melissa Richardson, Belize” in the comments section. If you’d like more information, please visit the HELP International Web site at, e-mail me at, or call me at 713.594.2498.

Thank you for your support of me and of the Belizean people. I am truly grateful to have you in my life. As you are now an invested partner in this grand endeavor to alleviate the suffering of our friends in Belize, I would like to keep you updated on the progress of our various humanitarian projects. Here is a link to the blog I will keep this summer: Please include your e-mail address with your donation so that I can send you a link to our group blog as well.

Thank you so much for your generous support.

Best Regards,

Melissa Richardson